Submit Your Album Release

We're excited that you've got a new album and you're ready to share it with the world!

This page is the place where you can submit your album and get it published on All albums submitted here will be:

  • Published on our New Albums page
  • Have a 'dofollow' link back to the links included in your writeup (these links are super important for SEO and improving your own albums discoverability on Google)
  • Included in our weekly email to over 3k fingerstyle guitar enthusiasts
  • Get shared on our Facebook page


  • Fill out the fields below. It's important to include the album cover and, most importantly, links to where people can hear your music!
  • Add your payment details. charges a $40 insertion fee to cover the cost of review and publication.
  • Give us 48 hours to review the post, do any format adjustments, and hit publish!

We're excited that you've got new music to share and pumped to be a part of that sharing process!